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Good habits for better self-care

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Good self-care is the beginning of everything. If you want to regain more of our strength, you need to maintain body and mind. Because you close the window, you want to heat the room. These are some of the ways that will help you get more energy and feel better.

Note that these habits are not going to solve your problems, that is your job. Just like a top athlete’s diet, these uses are tools that allow you to better tackle your challenges. We are going to go over some domains where, with a little attention, you can make a lot of profit.


I cannot emphasize enough the importance of a healthy night’s sleep. Your mind and body need to recover after using them for a day. We lose sight of this all too easily, there is simply so much to do, and people sometimes want to relax.

Become aware of how much you sleep. Keep track of what time you go to sleep for a week, be honest. Between 7 and 9 hours of sleep is enough for most healthy adults. Therefore, alternate shorter nights with longer nights and remember: in certain periods, such as winter or emotionally or physically heavy periods, we simply need more sleep.

Avoid screens during the last half hour before going to sleep. Calm your mind, dim the light and slow down. Also reduce your caffeine consumption. Maybe switch to tea, drop stimulants in the afternoon. If you are tired, you may need to sleep more.

Tip: put candles in the bathroom, for a calm atmosphere while brushing your teeth.

Tip 2: Set up an evening and morning routine. Play with this, notice what works for you and adapt it to your situation. Read on for helpful tips you can include. Hold on until you jump-start your day without thinking, or face the sweet night’s sleep.


When we experience stress we breathe more shallowly, which causes us to experience more stress. It is a vicious circle that we can easily break. During the day pay attention to how you breathe, because when you stop to think about this, you automatically breathe deeper.

Daily breathing exercises are a source of vitality and relaxation! Make them part of your morning and evening routine and reap the long-term benefits. Tip: experiment with different methods and patterns. Search YouTube or try one of the many available apps.


Our body needs water constantly. A dry mouth or lips means that you are late. So make sure you always have a drinking bottle or bottle on hand and drink enough water! Start and end your day with a glass of water. During your sleep, you largely dry out.

Avoid soft drinks and limit your consumption of fruit juices. Light or zero variants are like chocolate cigarettes. Less harmful, no doubt. But what benefit do they bring you?


Eat enough and healthy. There is no limit to how many vegetables you can eat (the oil and sauces that come with it…). Also eat a few pieces of fruit a day and avoid factory products. Our body has evolved through evolution to process natural food. Provide it with the correct fuel, then the engine works better.


Our body is not made to sit still all day. Make sure you exercise enough every day, because sitting still is atrophying. It doesn’t matter if you dance, walk, walk, lift weights or perform yoga. If you make your heart rate accelerate for about 20 minutes, you are in the right place. Are you too tired to move? All the more reason to start doing it. Like so much in life, this is a vicious cycle. When you move more, your body will generate more energy. There is no short workout to get off the starting blocks in the morning.

Bonus: seek the outdoors!


Just as important as what you put in your stomach is what you feed your mind with. Do you fill your mind with negative, pessimistic, violent and addictive content ((social) media, games, news items etc)? Then do not expect a stream of bright ideas, motivation and constructive plans. The information you record is also digested and influences you. So find positive information and focus on your interests.

Avoid environments or people where biliousness is the norm, negativity is contagious. I know they may be very good people. There is no need to judge or correct them. Just like you shouldn’t make your own process more difficult. Be nice to everyone, take care of yourself in the first place.

Sit with what is

The m word, meditation. A lot of sense and nonsense has been said and written about it. I like this: an exercise on sitting with what is. Sit down and notice what presents itself. The thoughts, the feelings, are with it. It is an exercise in not responding, such as listening to a conversation without speaking. And who knows, if you sit still long enough, it may even get quiet. Or not, is there too.

People sometimes set all kinds of expectations for their meditation practice. That they no longer know stress, or sadness, or distraction. Or that they are always calm. This is bull. You practice a different way of looking at things, of dealing with emotions and thoughts. Just as strength exercises do not make a good boxer, this exercise is also very important if you want to get into the ring. Don’t make it bigger than it is, resistance is normal. It’s just everyday, just like brushing your teeth. What would you rather lose? A tooth or your mind?

The bad news

… Arrived like a cold shower. Would you refuse a small adjustment that saves time, money, energy and water? A habit that has been scientifically proven to have positive effects on your condition, immune system, psychological well-being, your line, hair and skin? What if I told you I’m taking cold showers? I understand your resistance because I had never tried this before. Believe me when I say that you get used to everything. Close your warm shower with cold water for a while and gradually build it up. Maybe you will soon take an ice-cold shower.

Good luck

We are all human. We all sometimes relapse into old habits. That is a very good opportunity to get to know yourself better. Punishing yourself for it only makes it worse. Don’t let this be an excuse to let you go completely. The golden mean is to make and adjust choices with understanding and love, time after time.

Take it easy, change a habit at a time. Make time and keep track of your progress in a schedule. For example, that at the bottom of this post ????

Consistently maintaining one of these habits is tremendous progress. Imagine the influence a combination can have.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lutje Vanovertveld

    Ik lees nu jouw boek na mijn longembolie voor de tweede keer ( gekregen van Geert Vanreusel in 2016 door jou gesigneerd) nu helpt het mij bijzonder om er weer boven op te komen.
    Mijn draad weer te vinden . Het is een schitterend boek daarvoor hartelijk dank.
    Vriendelijke groeten
    83 jaar schoonmoeder van Geert

    1. Jeroen Walravens

      Hallo Lutje,
      Bedankt voor jouw bericht!
      Ik ben blij dat je veel hebt gehad aan mijn verhaal en wens je nog het allerbeste!
      Vele groeten, nog een fijne dag gewenst!

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